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Hourly price for accounting services in Norway

The hourly price for accounting in Norway is 700 NOK plus VAT per hour. If you were earlier working with the authorized (licensed) accounting company, we can guarantee you that we will not exceed the annual limit of hours the other company has been billing to you. This guarantee is valid if the amount of accounting documents has not substantially different between the years.

Given this guarantee, o you will save a bit because the other authorized (licensed) accounting companies in Oslo region ask between 700 and 900 NOK plus VAT / hour. Like any other authorized (licensed) accounting company, we ensure you that the accounting and calculation and declaration of taxes will be done in a way that will never cause any objection or even penalties from Norwegian tax authorities.

We, however, would like to draw your attention that we have a minimum montly payment of 2.100 NOK plus VAT. We simply trying to avoid a situation, where our accountant has 160 clients and every client is buying 1 one hour per month. In such a situation one can hardly speak about quality – the accountant will hardly remember the names of the customers and will remember nothing about their business and taxation situation. Our experience in all countries where we are working tells that one accountant should not deal with more than 20 clients.

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